Biblical Tours

From Enoch to Noah: The first Realization of Exo!@#

From Enoch to Noah
The first Realization of Exo!@#!

So fearful is the divine warning that so says, 'Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;'(Exo20:5, Deu5:9)

That was revealed explicitly for the first time just at the head of giving the ten commandments publicly. One is then led to investigate its realization afterwards througout the following generations of the Israelites, yet it is interesting when one looks backward, having the qustion into scrutiny, to find God applied the same principle on Amorites (Gen15:13-16).
Is it most interesting? Nay, more interesting is still there!

Not before one reaches the earliest generations of human being that he may be doen with investgating the credibility of God's fearful warning, even the generations from Enoch to Noah.

At first God marks the eruption of the raging waves of wickedness by the prophecy given to Enoch, mentioned in the Jewish tradition as it is nevertheless testified to by Apostle Jude (Jud1:14-15).
God being As jealous as 'gracious God, and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness, and repentest thee of the evil.' (Jon4:2) delayed His judgment starting His exhortatory patience by drawing the wicked generation's attention by Rnoch;s prophecy. Then by the name of Methuselah (Send after his Death), to add a remarkable sign by the death of Lamech in the lifetime of his own father, Methuselah to further emphasize the significant indication of Methuselah's name, to end it up by the loudly telling work of buioding the arch by Noah, thus fulfilling the recdibility of 'his patience until the fourth generation!

That then is the collective meaning told in one sentence by Exp20:5 & Deu5:9,
God is jealous still n the same breath a gracious God, and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness is He.

Brief Draft
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